Sunday, August 8, 2010

5K and I'm OK

On Saturday I participated in my first 5K ever!  It was 'Run, Run ye Saints' a 5k, 10k run/walk put on by the church in our area & spearheaded by my friend Brenda.  This has been a goal for months.  I've had some struggles along the way, most notably foot issues.  I was so scared.  I've had difficulties pushing myself beyond 1 1/2 miles, which if you do math you know is a good mile and a half + SHORT of a 5K.  I tried talking myself out of it but I knew that was just my chicken half talking and I'm tired of listening to my chicken half.  So, @ 7:50 or so on Saturday morning I presented myself @ the race knowing I was about to be the slowest runner and whimpiest.  The fun thing about this race though was the fact that a large part of the participants (probably a little less than 1/3) are friends of mine, so I was quite literally among friends...I don't think you get that in a more competitive race. It was nice to hear "way to go Hope!" from the runners as they passed me by and even a few high fives. I managed to run a little less than a mile (made a rookie mistake and ran the day before so I think I was too tired) and then I resorted to walking for 2-3 minutes and running for 2-3 minutes.  my official time was 44:17, 7 seconds behind the winner of the 10K women's race (so she litterally ran a double what I did in half the time).  I can not say I enjoyed it but I can say I did it...I ACOMPLISHED IT!  I did not chicken out!  I will do it again sometime, but I need to train more.  I run again on Monday.

So, to answer any questions:
  1. no, I was not last....I beat a little girl, she was last...BUT she was beating me for most of the race, I passed her at the end.
  2. Yes, the weather co-operated.  It was overcast and in the mid 60's so it was pleasant running, one did not get too hot.
  3. I think there were about 60-70 participants so good turnout for the first run/walk ever.
  4. Yes, I blame Brenda... For what you ask?  For telling me this was a good idea.  She is probably right but around mile 2 it felt like a very BAD idea.
  5. Any other questions?

among friends: L-R
Dawn, Christine, Jim, Alana(stroller), Ericka, Jared, Bryce, Quinton, Chantel, Ryan, Sue, Jeff, Kimberly, Evan, Me (next time I definitely need to wear black!! I look waaay heavier than I actually am!), Brenda, Ashley, Steven, Johnny, Cherry.

my bib #


  1. Way to go!! I am so proud of you. I think you did great! I think that you should be so proud of yourself for sticking it out and running the race!!

  2. Congrats! Way to stick to it! Logan really wants me to do something like this, but I really don't like running...and I'm chicken. I feel like passing out after twenty feet. Ick. I'm proud of you!

  3. Black is best at ALL times! And Emily, I used to hate running too, but I can definitely say, without any reservations, that I do not hate running any more. Beyond that, I will not go.

  4. Way to go Hope! Makes me think... I coulda, woulda, shoulda!

  5. Betta,

    totally coulda! If I coulda, you coulda.....


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