Monday, December 20, 2010


Thanks for guessing about our treasure hunt.  T, you got the closest.  Here are the answers.

  1. " If you get this gift in "TIME" you'll get the gift you want.  -IN THE GRANDMOTHER CLOCK
  2. "How much "wood" can a wood chuck chuck?- WOOD PILE
  3. " A GRAND FIR is a beautiful thing" - CHRISTMAS TREE (ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK!)
  4. "You know you love to rock out to the "oldies" but goodies.  ( BEHIND THE VICTROLA)
As for your questions of what she got.  She's asked me not to tell, but she is OK with you guessing.  so, here's a hint.  She's wearing them in all of the photos.



    1. did she get hair extensions?? her hair looks really long? just my guess

    2. I agree with Christy, I think it is hair extensions! Just what a budding beautician would want.


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