Sunday, November 8, 2009

November Recognition Night

Tonight was our Activity girl's Recognition Night. I have 21 Activity Girls. Out of those 21, 13 were there to recieve their charms. I do charms from and then I do certificates listing what the girls have accomplished. I also gave out magnets for, a tracking website for their faith in God goals. I am so proud of the girls. They worked super hard. I gave our over 100 charms. I ask the girls to participate as much as they can in the night so Ashley conducted the meeting, Lynzee conducted the music, McKenna gave the talk, Abby did a special musical number, Desiree and Fiona gave prayers. They really stepped up to plate and contributed to their evening. Since our building is under construction we were blessed to have access to our Bishop's guest house wich fit all of us, barely. Sarah and her friend Symphony were super sweet and babysat for us so parents wouldn't have to worry about their little ones. I cried a bit as I gave final recognition to Kailey and Ashley who turn 12 very soon. It's hard sending my girls off, even though I know they've outgrown AG and need to move onto YW. I've been in this calling for 5 years and so these girls have been with me almost since the begining. Ashley actually has since her mom and I served in AG together and Ashley was 7 at the time. Time flies.


  1. oh, that is so cool. I love how creative you are!! I can't imagine such a big program, our activity girls is tiny!! Time really does fly by!

  2. I wish I'd had that robust a program when I was pre-teen! It looks like you guys have a lot of fun. Five years is a long time for a calling, but it's obvious why they keep you in there!


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