Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Folding Sheet Sets

A couple of years ago in one of my New Year New Start "I'm going to be soooo organized this year" binges, I stumbled across this simple piece of advice in Better Homes and Gardens and that is to fold and keep your sheets together in 'sets'. It's simple. I've been doing it for years and my life has been simplifed because of it. It is so nice every Monday (Clean Sheets Day!! There's even a song to go with it!! I love Clean Sheets Day!!) to be able to strip the sheets off the bed and then go grab one of my packets of sheets to put on the bed. There is no searching for tops or bottoms, rarely ever a missing pillow case (teenager occasionally gets lazy and 'borrows' one...but, on the whole the packages are left alone:). It's simple. What do you do to simplify your life? I'm curious!


  1. I do something called Garment Packages! I learned it on my mission from my trainer. You fold your garment top inside the bottoms. It was very useful when I was single and Ryan loves the package to take into the bathroom. No more searching for tops or bottoms you always have a matched set! I also wash one load of laundry a day to stay on top of everthing!

  2. i love the garment pkg. idea! I will try it!!

  3. I also have been using the "garment package" for a couple of years and I like it!
    I guess I just never thought to do it with sheets. I still remmeber the day as a young wife that I learned in RS how to "fold" a fitted sheet by inserting each corner into the other. It was a major break-through for me!
    Dad and I now simplify breakfast. He makes an amazing granola and fresh yogurt and I eat 1/3 cup of granola and 1/2 cup of yougurt every morning. I don't have to think about what I will have I just eat it and go to work. It is very filling and good for me!


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