Saturday, February 27, 2010

penguin madness

My daughter Peekaboo LOVES penguins. She's mad for them. I don't get it, but then I guess there are lots of things our children do that we don't get. Anyway, since she loves and adores penguins I find myself looking for cute penguiny things. For Valentines Day I made her a Penguin pillow that she carried around with her for about a week.

So, when I was talking to a friend about looking for penguins for peekaboo she mentioned a children's book that's been turned into a song called "Your Personal Penguin". We looked it up on YouTube and it is sooo stinkin' cute! Simply Daahling! The author of these delightful books is Sandra Boynton. You should check out her stuff. There's another popular children's book/song titled 'snuggle puppy' that's too cute to boot!

So, if you see any cute 'penguin' ideas...send them my way. I'm always looking for ways to bribe my way into my darling peekaboo's good graces:)


  1. Wow, Davy Jones, that takes me back!
    How cute!

  2. Funny, after I read and sang Personal Penguin to my preschools a few weeks ago, one of the owners went out and bought the two books you mentioned and now they're singing them all the time. They are brilliant! Sorry to hear about John Sr, I'm sure it's very hard for your John. Etta, isn't Davy Jones a hoot?


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