Thursday, November 4, 2010

improving my run

I've been thinking a lot about running today.  I am not a natural runner.  I do not like to run, AT ALL.  Having said that I do run, slooooowly.  I decided to run for my own health.  I feel good about it as a decision and a lifestyle change, but I struggle.  I struggle with breaking the one mile barrier without needing to vomit.  I struggle with injuries to my ankle and feet.  So, I've been doing a lot of reading, trying to educate myself more about the technical aspect of running and get myself re-energized in all of this.  I read a wonderful book called "run like a mother" about finding balance and inspiration amid the chaos of life. 

Amid all of this running fixation I went to our Stake's Young Women in Excellence.  The topic for the night was "Running Your Marathon".  The show piece of the evening was a beautiful video by a seminary teacher who ran the Boston Marathon.  She compares running a marathon with our life here on earth.  It's beautiful,and moving.  I wanted to share.  It certainly gives a second perspective to running.  Am I running this marathon here on life to the best of my ability or do I occasionally think I can stop when I want or know better than those who've gone before.

for your crying pleasure.


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