Monday, March 15, 2010

What about you?

I'm a bit of a blog-a-holic. I am completely unapologetic about it because i don't spend an excessive amount of time doing it and I feel like I've found a community out there of people that I get. I like to follow links from one blog to another until I find something interesting to stop on. Today while following links I stumbled across a blog called aefilikins. This lovely blog author (Amber)has a regular feature she calls 'friend makin' monday'. Every Monday she posts something (questions) and we respond by answering these questions on our own blogs and then linkin' up to her blog. I'm intrigued. I may try week. However, I do want to answer her questions. I thought they were 'fabo' and I'd love to hear anyone's answers in response.

I am... taking time to do something I want rather than something I should...I feel guilty :(

I think... Spring is my favorite time of the year (until fall comes around and then I think it's fall! )

I should... be cleaning the kitchen

I dream... of a time when our family can go on a camping trip together! Those trips keep me sane!

I don't like... loud noises

I smell... the chicken and dumplings I made for dinner. It was quite yummy!

I hear... Peekaboo talking on the phone to her bff. Teenagers are always on the phone. It's practically their natural state.

I fear... that the veggies I'm starting this year won't grow and all this work will be for naught.

I search... for fantastic creative ideas to feed my soul. the most recent was this idea.

I miss... going barefoot. I've realized (as an adult....*sigh*) that I need to take care of my feet better, wich includes wearing (good) shoes...problem is....I like to be barefoot. Alas, those days are largely over.

I always... wish I could be at peace


I remember... when Peekaboo was little we'd sit together and watch Winnie the Pooh as she was winding down for bed. Lately, I've missed those days of Winnie the Pooh. It's so cute! I miss it!

I need... better quality sleep. *where does one get some of that??*

I forget... to take care of myself

I feel... overwhelmed with all I need to accomplish in the next few days.

I can... get more accomplished. I just need to stay on task better...prioritize better. learn new time management??

I can't... kick myself when I'm down so much. I'm trying to remember to forgive myself more often.

I am happy... That my family is home safe and sound.

I sing... constantly!! Peekaboo and I were singing LOUDLY in the car together earlier with her friend KJ looking on in fascination.

I listen... well...I TRY to listen to my daughter. sometimes I don't like what she has to say but I'm trying to recognize that she has the right to say it and to be LISTENED to. It's a process. I hope to get much better.

I shop... only when I have to...although, if I had unlimited resouces I should shop much more often primarily craft stores...I really want a new 'silouette' machine...*drool, drool, drool*

I eat... too much JUNK! time to get back on track!!

I love... my fun little family *even though they are currently driving me bananas*


  1. very cute post, I am glad you like blogging, its a fun thing!

  2. You're wearing shoes?!? Geez, leave a state for a few years and people go all crazy on you... :-)


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