Sunday, October 11, 2009

abi & cedes!

Abi and Cedes came to stay overnight from Saturday to Sunday. I've missed them. Haven't really seen them since the family reunion. They were so cute and goofy. They're growing up so much. Their personalities and confidence are even more defined. Abi is 9! She's such a ham! She invented a whole separate personality for herself called Bob Willoughby Fletcher. He spoke with a southern accent and he was wacky! Cedes demands attention when she walks in the room and if she doesn't get it she sulks, a lot. Fortunately, I'm her aunt and she can sulk all she wants...I can spoil her! Cedes was very attached to Peekaboo...followed her around like she was a pet. She talked Boo into doing all kinds of things like painting her face with eye shadow or making a really foul smelling, tasting, concoction in my kitchen. Jr. set up archery in the backyard and they all participated until it got too cold (about 20 minutes...John just laughed). Finally, I was able to take pictures. We took a lot! At first they weren't co-operating so then I let them be the photographer if they were co-operative. All of them were able to be the photographer and some of the photos turned out remarkably darling!


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